Music by Victor Herbert
Book and Lyrics by Frederic Rankin and Kirke La Shelle
Narration by Tom Petiet

CAM09P-2C THE AMEER- dialog…......….$23
CAM09P-2M THE AMEER- music only.....$23
Concert performance, with narration or music only. 2 piano accomp.


Act 1 – A Public Square in Kabul, Afghanistan

Overture................................................ The Pianos

1. Another Shout...................................Ensemble
2. a) Oh, What is the Matter................Ensemble
b) Cupid Will Guide...............................Constance and ensemble
3. I'd Like It.............................................Ameer and ensemble
4. Let Those Who'd Wed......................Ameer and ensemble
5. Tell Me Pray*.....................................Ralph
6. Ah, Woe Is Me....................................Mirzah
7. I Am a Piratical Brigand....................Ameer and ensemble
8. FINALE I: Away With Him..................Entire Company

Act II – Woods Adjoining the Business House of Cut and Slash

9. a) With Stealthy Footsteps................Brigands
b) If There's Any Kind of Crime.............Blakjak and Brigands
10. Let Others Boast..............................Ameer and Brigands
11. Quartet: Surprise Astounding.........Constance, Fanny, Ralph, Blakjak
12. Duet, Old Maids are Willing to Please........Mirzah, Chamberlain
13. a) Soldiers All.....................................Women Soldiers
b) A Soldier Needs No Truer Friend......Ralph and Women Soldiers
14. Duet: The Armored Knight...............Fanny, Blakjak
15. The Rubber Man ...............................Ameer and Ensemble
16. FINALE II: Surrender, surrender.......Entire Company

Act III – Throne Room of the Ameer's Palace

17. Soft to Sensuous Music......................Nach Girls
18. Fancies*...............................................Constance
19. The Little Poster Maid........................Fanny and ensemble
20. In Old Ben Franklin's Days................Ameer and ensemble
21. Trio: Continuous Performances.......Ameer, Chamberlain, Fool
22. Serenade.............................................Constance and ensemble
23. FINALE III.............................................Entire Company

* Cut during the original run, these numbers were discovered in the research on this show, and were added to this performance


IFFE KHAN— Ameer of Afghanistan..............Thomas Petiet
HEEZABURD— Lord High Chamberlain.......Chris Grapentine
CRACKASMILE— Court Jester.........................Greg Wakefield
BLAKJAK— Chief of the Brigands...................Donald Regan
RALPH WINSTON— Captain of the British Life Guards.....Brian White
SLICEM— A Brigand.........................................Phil Kitchell
CONSTANCE— An American Girl, promised to the Ameer....Kimberley Dolanski
FANNY— her companion................................Barbara Scanlon
MIRZAH— A Love-starved Aristocrat.............Catherine McKeever
TUTU— A Nautch Girl......................................Milena Thomas
ZUMRA— A Nautch Girl...................................Lynn Bishop

NARRATED by George Valenta

CHORUS provided by the soloists

Adam Aceto & Patrick Johnson at the two pianos