Discover Recordings of Shows
Here are recordings you won’t find anywhere else. There are EARLY BROADWAY recordings from the pens of Victor Herbert, Jerome Kern and many others. There are STAGE SHOW recordings of comic operas and operettas, including works by Offenbach, Strauss and more, in exceptional English versions. Committed to preserving the musical legacy of lighthearted gems, the Guild has committed itself to making high quality recordings of every show it has produced. Now they can be yours.
Comic Opera Guild Recordings
C= Comic Opera Guild
OU= Orpheus in the Underworld
78= Year of recording
O= With orchestra or P= Piano
2= Number of CDs
M= Music only or C= Complete
NOTE: When there are both a "complete" and a "music only" version both catalog numbers will be listed.

We are promoting comic opera as a field of interest through performance, recordings, and translations. Most of our shows are American shows from early Broadway that have never been recorded. You will find the majority of the recordings of those shows as the only ones which are in existence.
Early American Broadway shows were typically performed either in the studio or in concert performances, as opposed to the Stage Show recordings which follow. Scores and scripts for these shows were often not pubished and were discoverred through research obtained from libraries or collectors. When available, shows are available "complete with dialog." Dialog has been edited and sometimes altered to fit the recording format.
Stage Recordings
The recordings listed were recorded live on stage. Most were recorded using an uncompressed format. ALL PERFORMANCES ARE IN ENGLISH. Many are available in both MUSIC ONLY and COMPLETE editions. MUSIC ONLY versions may feature soloists from two casts. These recordings are made to order.
The cost of single CDs is $23. The cost of 2CD sets is $28. Typically, we ship in Jiffy envelopes unless there are 2 pounds or more of an order. One CD in a slim jewel case weighs about 2.5 ounces. One double CD weighs about 4 ounces. The bag weighs about one ounce.
For orders of up to 3 CDs, we charge a standard $5.00 shipping fee. For larger orders, and international orders, it is best to contact us at [email protected] for an estimate.

How to Order?
You can order CDs by sending the check through mail or paying using PayPal or credit card and also by other means. Detail process is illustrated.
By Mail: Download the applicable order form (stage or festival), check the recording title and number, and send a check to THE COMIC OPERA GUILD P.O. Box 1922, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, or include credit card information requested on the form.
By Email
PayPal: Simply email your order request to [email protected] and then go to Go to the SEND MONEY page and deposit the amount to pay for your order in US funds to The Comic Opera Guild email address: [email protected]. When we receive notice of deposit, we will ship your CDs.
By Phone:
Credit Card: At this time, we do not have a secure format for including credit card numbers in an email. If you wish to pay by credit card, you can order by phone at 734-973-3264.
By Phone
Credit Card: At this time, we do not have a secure format for including credit card numbers in an email. If you wish to pay by credit card, you can order by phone at (734) 973-3264.
NOTE: CD PRICES HAVE INCREASED (we held the line as long as possible)
When the production is an original translation or performing version, credit for the English lyrics and dialogue is given following the composer. If the reference number is “COU78O2-M,”, then it can be understood by illustrating every character and character of it, as below:
C= Comic Opera Guild or S= Small Company
OU= Orpheus in the Underworld
78= Year of recording
O= Orchestra accomp. or P= Piano accomp.
2= No. of DS in set
M= Music only or C= Complete with dialog
NOTE: When a show is available as both MUSIC ONLY and COMPLETE, both catalog numbers will be shown in show description
Single CD versions $18. Double CD versions $23.
THE STAGE SHOW recordings
Single CD version $23. Double CD versions $28
Price includes shipping (exception: if only ordering one title, add $5.00 shipping).
CDS will be shipped in Jiffy padded envelopes unless ordered in quantity.
FOR INTERNATIONAL ORDERS, please contact us at [email protected] for an estimate.
Special Pricing Includes Shipping for EARLY BROADWAY TITLES
We know you will be interested in more than one show recording, so we're offering a special deal for orders of more than one title: free shipping!
An additional $5.00 is added for shipping of only one title nationally. Please request an estimate for international orders.

Stage Show Shipping
Typically, we ship in Jiffy envelopes unless there are 2 pounds or more of an order. One CD in a slim jewel case weighs about 2.5 ounces. One double CD weighs about 4 ounces. The bag weighs about one ounce.
For orders of up to 3 CDs, we charge a standard of $5.00 for shipping. Ask us for an estimate for larger international orders.
New Recordings AVAILABLE NOW!
Note: See listing in American Operettas
Recent Releases
Note: See listing in American Operettas
Festival pricing applies to all those listed.
All these are concert performances of the score, music only with accompaniments of two pianos.