Music by Victor Herbert
Book by Harry B. Smith Lyrics by Robert B. Smith
CD 1 ACT 1 Terrace behind Godfrey Fraser's villa at Mt. Edgecome, England
Trk. 1 Overture.....................Pianos
Trk. 2 Opening, Act 1.....................Chorus
Trk. 3 Love is a Battle...................Larry and Chorus
Trk. 4 Married Life........................Ezra & Mrs. Bunker
Trk. 5 Entrance of Elaine..................Chorus
Trk. 6 Springtime of Life....................Elaine
Trk. 7 Professor Cupid........................Elaine and Chorus
Trk. 8 All for the Sake of a Girl....................Marquis and Girls
Trk. 9 The Golden Age..................................Elaine and Phillip
Trk. 10 Love of the Lorelei.............................Phillip, Larry, Elaine
Trk. 11 Peggy's a Creature of Moods..................Larry and Men
Trk. 12 Never Mention Love..........................Elaine and Marquis
Trk. 13 Finale ..............................Ensemble
CD 2 ACT 2 Studio of Paul Masson, sculptor, Paris, France Plus bonus numbers
Trk. 1 Entr'acte…………………Pianos
Trk. 2 Opening, Act 2........................Irma, Chorus, Cello, Violin solos
Trk. 3 When I Played Carmen......................Irma and Chorus
Trk. 4 The Baker's Boy & Chimney Sweep.................Irma and Chorus
Trk. 5 The Cubist Opera..........................Ezra and Girls
Trk. 6 Call Around Again..........................Elaine and Chorus
Trk. 7 Will o' the Wisp................................Marquis
Trk. 8 The Dancing Lesson.........................Mrs. Bunker and Godfrey
Trk. 9 The Face Behind the mask.................Elaine, Phillip, Larry, Irma, Mrs. Bunker, Ezra
Trk. 10 Burlesque Modern Opera.....................Nina, Mildred, Taccani, LaBlache
Trk. 11 Fate ..........................................Elaine and Phillip
Trk. 12 Violin Solo .....................................Instrumental Solo
Trk. 13 Original Finale, Act 2..................... Ensemble
Trk. 14 Chaser (Exit Music)...............................Pianos
Trk. 15 Take Me Home with You.........................Elaine and Girls
Trk. 16 On a Sunny Afternoon..........................Larry, Ezra and Nina
Trk. 17 The Gay Life .........................................Ezra and Mrs. Bunker
Trk. 18 Revised Finale, Act 2 .......................Ensemble
The Cast
Elaine Vane Daughter or Sir Fancis Vane Soprano Julia Scannell
Mrs. Zenobia Bunker Wife of Ezra Bunker Mezzo Leslie Naeve
Irma Romanoff An Russian opera singer Soprano Jenny Ribeiro
Nina Dancer at the Ballet Soprano Paige Heidrich
Mildred Friend of the Fraser Family Soprano Cynthia Butcher
Annabel Friend of the Fraser Family Mezzo-soprano Giles Simmer
Phillip Fraser Son of Godfrey, engaged to Elaine Tenor David Troiano
Lt. Larry Sheridan Of the British Navy Baritone Jeff Straley
Ezra Bunker Composer, henpecked husband Baritone David Moan
Godfrey Fraser Industrialist, father of Phillip Baritone Napoleon Stone
Marquis Armand Cash poor French nobleman Baritone Tom Petiet
Taccani Famous tenor Tenor Jeff Wilkinson
LaBlache Famous bass Bass Fred Estabrook
Old Sailor Sailor Baritone Tom Petiet
Bosun Sailor Baritone Fred Estabrook
Cook Sailor Baritone Kevin Naeve
Wiggins Butler to Fraser household Speaking role Jeff Wilkinson
Paul Masson French sculptor Speaking role Fred Estabrook
Midshipman Sailor Speaking role Jeff Bartlett
Footman Servant of Masson Speaking role Kevin Naeve
Baron Guest of Masson Speaking role Napoleon Stone
Music Director and Score Restorer........Adam Aceto
Adam Aceto and Patrick Johnson at the Pianos
Cello........ David Pashlakai Violin..Ethan Davidson
Recording Engineer..... Catherine Lee Assistant ..... Aaron Plegue
Audio editing/mastering: Jen Shangraw Jacket graphics: Concept Studio
Recorded at Fairchild Theatre, Michigan State