
Show Tours Are Affordable!
The Comic Opera Guild, a professional or semi-professional theater company, was the brainchild of Thomas Petiet.
Celebrating over 40 years of performing and tours, it brings quality productions with some of the finest singers and actors the region has to offer. We are available year-round to bring in full shows, orchestra and all, to regional venues.
Customized Concerts for Corporate Events
If you are a local arts council, from a college or university, or are from an education or recreation department, Comic Opera Guild may have a show for you. We have smaller shows, concerts, and children’s shows that can be tailored to your needs, and performed in a variety of venues.
For corporate events, we have Broadway theme concerts, opera, or operetta nights. Private parties can also be accommodated.
Would Local Orchestras Want To Bring In Our Tour?
The Comic Opera Guild frequently enjoys the pleasure of appearing as the guest of symphony orchestras. These appearances are available in a remarkable variety of configurations.
The configurations include costumes or no costumes, full set, chorus or principals only, and occasionally incorporating celebrities or local choral ensembles. The format offers remarkable flexibility. The possibilities are truly endless!

How Can You Bring A Comic Opera Guild Tour To Your Community?
Email us at [email protected] or fill out the information request form and send it to us. We will get in touch with you to answer any questions that you may have. If you decide to sponsor a tour, we will send you a contract agreement.
For A Tour Estimate Form, Please Click Here
Once an agreement is signed, we will send a team to meet with you at your theatre to discuss the details. Your publicity materials will be sent as soon as possible. On the morning of the performance day, our crew will arrive with the set. In the afternoon of the same day, cast arrives.
After the performance, we will clear the theatre within an hour and a half.
Are All Our Tours Always That Efficient?
They have to be. We have devoted a great deal of planning and energy to ensure that our tours are properly managed.
In asking a sponsor to commit themselves to us, we can do no less than what they expect.

A full-scale production includes cast or chorus, orchestra, and scenery. You can book this service from February to April. Depending on an original opening date, other dates will be considered.
The typical cast of 20 to 35 along with 20 orchestras and nine crew or directors arrives.